(Bairiki, Tarawa Wednesday, 12th January 2022) -----The Government of Kiribati reaffirmed that the country’s border is now opened taking into account the “New Normal” travel conditions effective from the 10th January 2022 in compliance with an updated travel Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for Kiribati.
The COVID-19 Task-force in its press statement delivered on Tuesday 11th January 2022 emphasised that the opening of the borders will not be similar with normal travel conditions that international travellers normally experienced before. All arrivals into Kiribati will be controlled through the major ports on South Tarawa. All other international port of entries in Kiribati remains closed. With the new normal conditions and restrictions, only Kiribati nationals and essential Technical Assistant (TA) will be allowed at this time.
The Taskforce further clarified that all inbound travellers will be thoroughly monitored, and passengers will be strictly checked before departure and upon arrival in Kiribati. All incoming passengers will be required to provide proof of vaccination, COVID-19 test results, and will be quarantined upon arrival. Extra quarantine days for travellers from high-risk countries will be imposed in line with updated travel SOPs to safeguard Kiribati from COVID-19.
The Taskforce confirmed that travellers from countries with active community transmissions of COVID-19 like Fiji and Australia, are required to be quarantined ten days before their departure and to be tested 48 hours before their flights. Upon arrival, these passengers will be tested again and quarantined for 14 days. Passengers who tested positive for COVID-19 will not be allowed to board inbound flights. Office of the President PR No.090221 Inbound travellers from COVID-19 free countries like the Solomon Islands, Nauru and the Marshall Islands are also required to have their tests 48 hours before departure. Upon arrival, these passengers will be tested again by the medical team and required to spend 7 days in quarantine.
The Taskforce wishes to assure the public that the Government will strictly implement its new SOPs to ensure that Kiribati is safeguarded from COVID-19 and its new variants.
E a tia te Tautaeka ni Kiribati ni manga kamatoa riki bwa e a uki ngkai ana matabaiawa Kiribati man 10 bongin Tianuare 2022 ni kaineti ma te taneiai ae e boou n irekereke ma ana kainibaaire te Tautaeka ibukin kamanoan abara man te Aoraki ae e kakamaaku ae te COVID-19.
E mwaneweia ana Komete te Tautaeka ibukin Kaokaia Kaain Kiribati bwa ukin ana matabaiawa Kiribati n te tai aei e bon kaokoro ma aron ukin te matabaiawa n aron are a taneiai iai mai mwaaina taan mwamwananga. Ni kabane mwamwananga nako Kiribati ana bane n barongaaki ao n ti kona n kabonganai matabaiawa aika iaon Tarawa. Nikiran matabaiawa ana teimatoa n in n te tai aio. Ni kaineti ma te taneiai ae e boou n irekereke ma ana kainibaaire te Tautaeka ibukin kamanoan abara man te Aoraki ae te COVID-19 ao kabaebae riki tabeua ibukin te mwamwananga, ao bon tii te nati ni Kiribati n raonaki ma taan ibuobuoki mai iabatera (TA) aika a katauaki moa n te tai aei.
E katerea te Komete bwa mwamwananga n te tai aei a na bon rang tararuaaki raoi, ao bwatintia ake a mwananga a na bon rinanon taian tutuo aika a bati imwaain mwanangaia ao ni manga tuoaki naba inanon rokoia. A kantaningaki taan mwananga bwa ana riai n karokoi kakoauaan itiia n totoko ibukin te COVID-19, ao miin aia tutuo ao ana manga bon kawakinaki n taabo ni Kamanomano n aron are e kaakaraoaki n taai aika a nako ibukin kamanoan abara man te COVID-19.
E kamatoa naba te Komete bwa bwatintia ake a mwananga man aaba aika e korakora iaoia butin te Aoraki ae te COVID-19 ke community transmission n aron aaba aika Biiti ao Aotiteria, a kantaningaaki bwa a riai moa ni kawakinaki 10 te bong imwaain mwanangaia ao ni manga tuoaki riki 48 te aoa imwaain kibaia. N rokoia iaon Tarawa, ao bwatintia aikai a na manga tuoaki riki irouia kaain ana tiim te Oo n Aoraki ao n kawakinaki 14 te bong n taabo ni Kamanomano ao n manga tuoaki riki tabeua te tai imwain otinakoia. Bwatintia ake a kakoauaki bwa iai te COVID-19 irouia imwain kibaia, ana bon aki kariaiakaki tokaia n te wanikiba.
Bwatintia ake a mwananga man aaba ake akea te COVID-19 iai, n aron aaba aika Toromon, Nauru ao Matiare, a kantaningaaki bwa ana riai n tuoaki 48 te aoa imwaain kibaia. N rokoia I Tarawa, ao a na manga bon tuoaki riki irouia kaain ana tiim te Oo n Aoraki ao n kawakinaki n tabo ni Kamanomano inanon 7 te bong ao n manga tuoaki riki imwain otinakoia.
E anga bwanaana te Komete aei n kamatata bwa ena kamatoaki aron irakin nanon te tua ibukin te mwamwananga ae boou aio ibukin kamanoan Kiribati man te COVID-19.
For more info, contact:
Communications& PR Unit, Office of The President, P.O Box 68, Bairiki, Tarawa, Republic of Kiribati Tel: +686-21183, Fax: +686-21466, Mobile: +686-73026636; E-mail: tteabo@ob.gov.k