Lockdown update for South Tarawa, Betio, Buota & Butaritari


Reitakinakoan te kainiin ibukin kauarerekean butinakon te Aoraki ae te COVID-19 iaon Tarawa Teinainano, Betio, Buota ao Butaritari

(Bairiki, Tarawa Kaonobong, 19 Beberuare 2022)-----E a tia te Tautaeka n baireia bwa ena manga reitanako riki te kainiin iaon Tarawa Teinainano, Betio ma Buota ao ai Butaritari, inanon uoua (2) riki te wiiki ni moa man te Kanimabong 18 n Beberuare 2022 ni karokoa te Kanimabong 4 ni Maati 2022.

E boboto karaoan te babaire aio ibukin kataan kauarerekean ao totokoan butinakon te aoraki aio iaon Kiribati n raonaki ma katabwaninan mwakuri n ibuobuoki ao katamaroa nakon ana kainibaire ma babaronga te Botaki ibukin te Mauri ao Katoki Aoraki are e waaki inanona ngkai ma tiim n ibuobuoki ake a roko mai Aotiteria, Botakin te Betebeke (SPC), UNICEF ao ai WHO.

Imwiin ana kamatebwai te Botaki ibukin te Mauri ao Katoki Aoraki ma tiim n ibuobuoki aikai, ao e oti bwa birimwakan butin te aoraki aio e bon reke man aki iran nanon kainibaire ake a tia n kawenei te Botaki n Mwakuri aio ibukin katanan te botannaomata man te COVID-19 n aron aikai:

• Kabonganakin te rabuna n uubu,

• Te tauraroa n te maranga ae uoua te miita,

• Kakoroan raoi iiti n katantan,

• Bwainakin te kakaitiaki n taainako,

• Ao n reitaki naba ma te aki muuti irouia koraki ake iai namakinan te Aoraki aei irouia ao man teimatoa n aki roko ni kawarii kiriniki ibukin aia tutuo.

Moan te kakawaki bwa tina kauarerekea butinakon te Aoraki aio ngkai e kakoauaki bwa ti nang bon maeka ma ngaia. Uarereken butinakon te Aoraki aio e na ibuobuoki nakon ana waaki te Botaki ibukin te Mauri ao Katoki Aoraki bwa ana kona n tararuaia ao ni kabanea riki aia tai ibukia ake a bon rangi n kainanoa riki te ibuobuoki. Tabemwang a taku bwa tiaki te oi n Aoraki, ma e kakawaki bwa e na ataia te botannaomata bwa iai aomata aika a kakai rotaki n aroia kaara, ao aomata ake iai aorakiia aika aki ewewe n aron te tioka, te rietata n rara, te buro, te kaikeike ao a bati riki. E kona n uarereke butinakon te Aoraki aio ngkana ti bonnano ao ni ikarekebai n iri nanon ana kainibaire ke SOPs are e a tia n kakaongora iai te Botaki ibukin te Mauri ao Katoki Aoraki.

Man karaoan raoi tibwangara ao ara kakaonimaki n iri nanon ana kainibaire te Botaki ibukin te Mauri ao Katoki Aoraki, ao e na bon rangi n ibuobuoki ibukin taobaraeakian butinakon te aoraki aio. Ibukin maurin te botannaomata ao e kamatoaki bwa e na reitakinako kaanauakin te kainiin iaan te kateniua n rietaata n katauraoi ke Alert Level 3 n te aro bwa e na teimatoa te Botaki n ibukin te Mauri ao Katoki Aoraki n reitanako ana mwakuri n ibuobuoki nakoia ake a bon kainanoa te ibuobuoki.

Aikai ngkanne babaire aika a boou ibukin Tarawa Teinainano ma Betio, Buota ao Butaritari:

1. Kainan te nakonako imarenan te aoa 7 n te bakantaai ni karokoa te aoa 6 n te moaningabong n te bong are imwina.

2. Ana tabo ni mwakuri ma ana kambwana te Tautaeka nako ana bane n uki man te Moanibong ae 21 n Beberuare ma a na bane n ira nanon SOP are a tia ni kaweneaki ibukiia. Aobitin Bootaki n Aro ma Ekaretia a kaungaki bwa ana uki ngkana a nora riaina ibukin kabutan aia waaki ao a na ira naba te SOP ibukiia aobiti.

3. Bitineti n aroia wholesalers ao titoa (retailers) ake a kabonakoi amwarake ao bwainaoraki a na teimatoa n uki ibukin te botanaomata imarenan te aoa 6 n te ingabong ni karokoa te aoa 6 n te bwakantaai. A na riai naba n taraia bwa e na iraki nanon te tau raroa ae 2 te mita, rabunan te ubu ao kainibaire riki tabeua man te Botaki Ibukin te Mauri ao Katoki Aoraki (MHMS) inanon ao itinanikun aia titoa n taai nako.

4. Bitiniti ibukin rabwan kaa ma rebwerebwe, bwain kateitei, kareke birim, taan kateitei, taabo n amwarake ti ibukin te takeaway a na kona naba n uki ma a na bane ira naba tuan te tau raroa are 2 te miita, rabunan te ubu, aki babaware, aki ongiran te ngako ao tabeua riki.

5. E uki te akawa imarenan te aoa 6 n te ingabong nakon te aoa 6 n te bwakantaai ma bon ti aman taan karaun ke taan akawa iaon te booti ae a kariaiakaki. E taburoroko bwa ana aerake n abamakoro riki tabeua ma bon ti te tabo are a mwananga mai iai.

6. A na kona n buti bao ni mwamwananga ma a na riai n kamatoa bwa e na kabonganaaki rabunan te ubu iaon aia bao, te aki babaware ao ongiran te bwairi, e na uki taian winto ni kabane ao a na tekateka baatintia iaon kaintekateka akea te itobwatobwa ma te tei.

7. Reirei ni kabane a na bane n in ni karokoa banen te namwakaina aio. Ti reirei iaon Kiritimati, Tabuaeran ao Teraina ngkai e aki rangi n nakoraoi te internet ao te rerio ibukin te angareirei.

8. Taabo ni mooi nangkona, mooi manging ao taabo n takakaro a na bane n in. E na teimatoa n tabuaki te bingko.

9. Bobotaki nako ni ikotaki ma taromauri a na kona ni waaki n aki raka iaon 20 te aomata ao a na boo itinaniku ao n ira tuan te tau raroa ae 2 te mita, rabuna te ubu ao e na raoiroi butin ke ukin te ang iai.

10. Te nako n te onnaoraki ma kiriniki a kariaiakaki ni kaineti ma ana kainibaaire te Botaki ibukin te Mauri ao Katoki Aoraki.

11. Mwamwanangaia kaibuke ao kiiba a bon kaukaki ibukin karokoan te bwaa, bwaai n aoraki ao kaako nako aonaba ri taari ao n te kibakiba ma akea bwatintia ae kariaiakaki. Bon ti bwatintia mai Tarawa ake a bae I aonnaba ae a na kariaiakaki n toka n oki nako Tarawa ma a na riai n ira naba nanon te kainibaire ibukin te mwamwananga ao man tia n koro itiia.

12. E na toki te mwamwananga imarenaia abamwakoro nako, ti imarenan Tarawa ma Butaritari ngkai e kakoauaki bwa titebo aron butin te aoraki aio iaoia.

13. A kabaeaki bureitiman ao ana taan mwakuri te Tautaeka ake a tia n mwiokoaki bwa a na tara nanon te Oota aio ao te tua ae te Public Health (Infectious Disease) Regulation ao te Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Act ao babaire riki ake a na kaotinakoaki imwina ba e na bane n iraki nanoia irouia aomata.

14. Babaire riki tabeua irarikin aikai aika a katawe man kawaekoaki karaoakiia a na kona ni bon ti tuangaki naba bureitiman ao ana taan mwakuri te Tautaeka ake a mwiokoaki bwa a na karaoi nanoia ni kaineti ma taabo tabeua ke aomata ke mwakuri nako ao a mwaiti riki ake a noraki riaina ni karaoaki ibukin kakoroan nanon te Oota aio ma te tua ae te Public Health (Infectious Disease) Regulation ao te Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Act ni kaineti ma te COVID-19.

15. Aki iran nanon te Oota ma tuua aikai bon uruan te tua ao a na kona bureitiman ni katikiko ao ni kamatawarikiko. Ko na kona naba n anganaki te tua n te tai naba are ko urua nanon te Oota aio (spot fine) irouia bureitiman n te mwaiti ae $100 are ko na kabwaka nakon te Aobiti ni Mwane I Bairiki inanon 14 te bong man te tai are ko anganaki iai te beba n tua aio bwa ngkana ko aki ao ko na uotaki nakon te kabowi ibukin am bure iaan te Oota aio. Ibukin buokan te matata ao uruan nanon kainibaire ake inanon te Public Health (Infectious Disease) Regulation bon te bure naba iaan te tua.

16. Ngkana iai te kaokoro ke te aki matata n te oota ae koreaki n te taetae n Kiribati aio ma te oota are koreaki ke n rairaki nakon te taetae n Imatang, ao e na riai n iraki nanon te oota are e koreaki n te taetae n Kiribati aio.

17. Te tua aio e kamaunai Oota ake a tia n karaoaki mai imwaina ni kaineti ma te Aoraki ae te COVID-19 ao e na moa bwainakina n 18 n Beberuare 2022 n te aoa 6 n te ingabong ni ua 4 n Maati, 2022 n te aoa 6 n te ingabong.

Kam a bubutiaki te botanaomata kateimatoan ami taotaonannano ao ikarebai ibukin karaoakin tibwangara ni kabane ibukin kauarerekean ke n katokan butinakon te aoraki aio. Ti na teimatoa n anga ara boutoka nakoia taan mwakuri n te Botaki ni Mwakuri ibukin te Mauri ao Katoki Aoraki, ara Bureitiman ao tabeman riki, ao man kateimatoaa te ongotaeka ao irakin nanon te kainibaaire ibukin katanara ni kabane.


Government has decided to further extend the curfew on South Tarawa, Betio, Buota and Butaritari for another two more weeks or may be longer should the need arise, effective from Friday 18th of February 2022.

Subsequent to the decision pertaining to this extension, there are also new decisions put in place in addition to the current measures under the Alert Level 3. These new measures which will only apply on South Tarawa, Betio, Buota and Butaritari are as follows:

1. Curfew hours from 7pm to 6am everyday.

2. All Government Offices, SOES will be open for operation on Monday 21 February but to comply with the SOP in place for the offices. Church administration offices are encouraged to open for operation as they see fit and to comply with the SOP for offices.

3. All essential service providers (food wholesale and retail) from the private sector will remain open to the public from 6am to 6pm. They must ensure that social distancing of 2 meters and compulsory wearing of face mask is maintained inside and outside of their shops at all times.

4. Other businesses that sell tyres, building materials, video shops, building contractors, restaurants for takeaways ONLY can operate but to comply with the Ministry of Health and Medical Services (MHMS) guidelines social distancing of 2 meters, wear face mask, no spitting and nose blowing.

5. Fishing from 6am to 6pm is hereby allowed and that fishing boats or net fishing near shore is restricted to a group of 4 or a maximum of 4 crew for fishing boats. All fishing boats are not allowed to visit other villages or islands apart from their point of origin.

6. Public transportation services may operate but will also observe compulsory face mask, open windows, no spitting and nose blowing and other MHMS guidelines and passengers must not share seats nor stand.

7. School closure until the end of this month, except for the islands of Kiritimati, Tabuaeran and Teraina which have limited access to internet and radio to participate in remote learning.

8. All kava bars, liquor bars, and night clubs will be closed. Bingo game is still not allowed.

9. Social gatherings (including churches) up to 20 people are allowed to gather in outdoor setting. With appropriate distancing, masks and good ventilation.

10. Access to hospital services will be conducted according to the Ministry of Health and Medical Service guidelines as earlier announced.

11. Delivery of cargoes, fuels and medical supplies by vessel or air service will continue to outer island with no passengers allowed. Only those stranded in the outer islands are allowed to return to Tarawa provided they meet health travel requirements.

12. No travels between the outer islands are allowed, except the travel between South Tarawa and Butaritari since extent of transmission is similar.

13. All police officers and other responsible Government officers are hereby ordered to ensure that this Order and future directions issued out of this Order and Public Health (Infectious Disease) Regulation and the Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Act are complied with by the public.

14. Urgent direction(s) other than those listed here, if there is a need, may be issued later to the police and other officers of the Government for execution in relation to certain areas or groups of people or activities etc where it deemed necessary to achieve the purposes of this Order and the Public Health (Infectious Disease) Regulation and the Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Act in relation to COVID-19.

15. Any person who contravenes any conditions of this Order commits an offence and will be liable to be arrested by the police or imprisonment. On the spot fines of $100 may be imposed by enforcement officers and such fine must be paid to the Ministry of Finance within 14 days from the date of issue or face prosecution. For clarification purposes, any breach of all the provisions of the Public Health (Infectious Disease) Regulation is an offence.

16. In case of any inconsistencies between this version and the Kiribati version, the Kiribati version shall prevail.

17. This Order repeals any previous Lockdown and Curfew Orders and is effective on the 18th of February 2022 at 6 am until the 4th of March 2022 at 6am.

Any person who contravenes any conditions of this Order commits an offence and will be liable to be arrested by the police or imprisonment. For clarification purposes, any breach of all the provisions of the Public Health (Infectious Disease) Regulation is an offence. In case of any inconsistencies between this version and the Kiribati version, the Kiribati version shall prevail.

The public is advised to continue to strictly follow the Ministry of Health and Medical Services Standard Operational Procedures, comply with the curfew order, and to visit clinics for test if receiving symptoms to safeguard themselves and their families from this pandemic.


For more info, contact:

Communications& PR Unit, Office of The President, P.O Box 68, Bairiki, Tarawa, Republic of Kiribati

Tel: +686-75021183, Fax: +686-75021466, Mobile: +686-73026636; E-mail: tteabo@ob.gov.ki