Covid-19: Total cases has now reached 1951


Kamatoaaki uabubua ao itiman (207) aika iai manin te COVID-19 irouia

(Bairiki, Tarawa, Kauabong, 8 n Beberuare 2022) ----- E a tia te Botaki ibukin te Mauri ao Katoki Aoraki ni kamatoa bwa iai uabubua ao itiman (207) aika a manga kuneaki naba bwa iai te COVID-19 irouia.

Man te mwaiti ae uabubua ao itiman (207) ao iai tebubua onongaun ma niiman (165) ake a kuneaki iaon Tarawa Teinainano, Betio ao Buota bwa tebubua ao teniman (103) ake a kamatoaaki imwiin tuoan aia katoto (samples) rinanon te PCR lab test ao onongaun ma uoman (62) ake a kuneaki rinanon te tutuo ae e tawe ke te Rapid Antigen Tests. Angaun ma uoman (42) aika a tibwa kamatoaaki mwiin aia tutuo iaon Butaritari.

Ni kaineti ma keiti aika a boou aikai ao bootan ngkai mwaitiia ni kabane aika a tia n reke irouia te COVID-19 ai teuana te ngaa ruabubua nimangaun ma temanna (1,951) bwa angaun ma uoman (42) ake bwatintia ake a roko mai Biiti ao teuana te ngaa wanibubua tenibwii ma nimaua (1,835) ake a kuneaki itinanikun taabo ni katantan iaon Tarawa Teinainano ma Betio ao Buota ao itingaun ma aman (74) man te mwaiti anne ake a kuneaki iaon Butaritari.

E teretere naba man ana riiboti te Botaki ibukin te Mauri ao Katoki Aoraki bwa iai naba temanna te unnaine ae 60 tabun ana ririki are e rin nte tabo ni katantan i Bikenibeu ibukin tararuaakin aorakina.

Ibukin riki ongoraan te botannaomata ao e nanokaawaki te Botaki ibukin te Mauri ao Katoki Aoraki ni kamatoa bwa te unnaine are uanibwi ana ririki, ea bon tia n motirawa man te maeu aei ibukin korakoran aorakina. N ana riboti te Botaki ibukin te Mauri ao Katoki Aoraki ao te unnaine aio bon tii teuana itina are ea tia n itinaki iai ibukin katanakina man te COVID-19. Aio bon tibwa te moan keiti ae kamatoaaki bwa e motirawa man korakoran te COVID-19.

Ibukin ongoran te botanaomata ao uangan ngkai kaara aika karinaki nte On-aoraki bwa iai te Aoraki irouia, ao a kainaoa tarauakia. Iai naba kaara aika a tia n kaokaki nakon aia auti imwin tuoakia ba a marurung. A butiaki te botanaomata ba ana ibubuoki n tararuaia aia kaara ngkai a rangin kakai rotaki nte Aoraki aio. E kakawaki ae kam na taraia ba a riai n tia n koro itia, ao ni waekoa n reitaki ke nikiria ami kara nakon te on-aoraki ngkana iai namakin te Aoraki irouia.

E anga ana kauring te Tautaeka ao ni bubuti nakoimi te botannaomata kateimatoaan ami taotaonannano ao n ikarekebai ibukin karaoakin tibwangara ni kabane ibukin kauarerekean ke katokan te Aoraki aei ao man ongotaeka nakon irakin ana kainibaaire te Botaki ibukin te Mauri ao Katoki Aoraki iaan te kateniua n rietaata ni kauring are ti mena inanona ngkai ae Alert Level 3 ao ni kakoroi itimii ngkami ake kam riai n iti ibukin katanakimi ma ami utu man korakoran te Aoraki ae e buti ngkai.


The Ministry of Health and Medical Services has reported two hundred and seven (207) new confirmed cases of COVID-19 infections.

Out of the two hundred and seven (207) new confirmed cases, one hundred and three (103) cases were found through a PCR lab test whilst sixty two (62) cases were found through a Rapid Antigen Tests on South Tarawa, Betio and Buota. Forty two (42) new cases were found on Butaritari island.

The total number of COVID-19 positive cases has now increased to one thousand nine hundred and fifty-one (1,951) which comprises of forty two (42) imported cases and one thousand eight hundred and thirty five(1,835) community cases on South Tarawa, Betio and Buota and seventy four (74) cases on Butaritari island.

It is also reported that a woman who is over 60 years of age has been admitted to the Isolation center in Bikenibeu for monitoring and further medical treatments.

In another development on COVID-19, the 80 year old woman who was hospitalized at the Isolation centre has sadly passed away due to COVID1-9. The Ministry confirms that the woman has only completed her first dose of COVID-19 vaccination. It is also confirmed that this is the first case of death from this COVID-19 pandemic in the country.

The Government reminds the general public to take extra care and look after their elderly parents and relatives, as they are vulnerable. The public is reminded to ensure that the elderly persons complete their vaccinations and to be taken to hospitals when they feel sick.

The Government is reminding the general public to strictly follow the Ministry of Health and Medical Services Standard Operational Procedures, comply with the curfew order under Alert Level 3 and to ensure that they are fully vaccinated to safeguard themselves and their families from the pandemic.